Environmental Management Against Climate Change
Objective: To promote climate change adaptation through sustainable environmental management in Uganda.
Key Interventions:
- Waste Management and Renewable Energy: Promote the sustainable management of environmental waste and advocate for the utilization of renewable energy. SCI focuses on capacity-building initiatives for women, providing training in the production of energy-saving stoves and briquettes, which reduce reliance on non-renewable energy sources and mitigate the impact on the environment.
- Agroforestry: Advocate for agroforestry by encouraging tree and fruit tree planting. Agroforestry practices not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also support economic activities such as fruit production, which can be a source of food and income for families.
- Climate Change Education: Provide community education sessions on the importance of environmental conservation, climate change adaptation, and the sustainable use of natural resources. These initiatives empower communities to take action in response to the challenges posed by climate change.